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- أعراض نقص فيتامين د
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Natejah Vit. D Deficiency Rapid Test

Get an accurate result in 10 minutes.
Affordable price
available in pharmacies.
Product description :
Home self-testing to detect and verify vitamin D levels in the blood as a Priority diagnosis, it's a very simple procedure, with fast, easy and accurate results.
Materials provided :
Pouch containing Test cassette, dropper, lancet, alcohol swab, Buffer. Vitamin D color card
Features :
Get an accurate result in 10 minutes.
Affordable price
available in pharmacies.
Test procedure :
. The test device should be placed on a flat surface.
. Sterilize the finger with the alcohol swab
. prick the finger with the lancet and press on the finger until enough blood comes out.
. Pull the drop of blood with a dropper and make sure the blood reaches the mark on the pipette
. drop the Blood in the test cassette on the box with an S letter
. add two points of buffer into the cassette in the circle with the letter B.
. It takes 10 minutes to get the result.
· Read the result and compare the T line intensity with the vitamin D color card inside the packaging.
Shipping Type | Express |