Natejah Corona Test Home Use Easy & Fast

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A quick test for Covid-19at home is easy to use.
A quick test for Covid-19at home is easy to use.
Get the result in 15 minutes.
Detects Covid-19 in people with or without symptoms
Discovers new variants of Corona virus (Delta-Omicron)
How to use:
The method of use is shown in detail in the attached internal leaflet as the following :
Prepare the materials in front of you (swab - attached liquid tube- nozzle cap - test device)
Open the medical swab and wrap it twice in each of the two nostril holes .
Peel off aluminum foil seal from the top of the buffer tube.
Place the swab in liquid tube until it reaches the liquid inside it and wrap it several times
Press the nozzle cap tightly onto the tube and Mix thoroughly by flicking the bottom of the tube
Keep Test Device flat on table and Add 5 drops of liquid to the test device
Wait 15 minutes
Read the result in case of the appearance of two lines virus-carrying or one line non-virus-carrying .
One line next to C shows the test is negative.
Two lines, one next to C and one next to T, even faint lines, shows the test is positive.
No lines or one line next to T means the test is invalid.
10. DISPOSE THE TEST KIT ,Place Swab, Tube and Test Device into the Bag Seal the Bag tightly Throw away the Bag in waste bin.
Caution & Warnings:
Check the expiration date on the box. Do not use if the kit is expired.
Ensure kit is at room temperature for at least 30 minutes prior to use.
Check the test kit contents. Make sure that nothing is damaged or broken.
For in vitro diagnostic use only.
Read instructions prior to preforming the test. Follow all instructions to achieve accurate results.
Do not eat or smoke while handling specimens.
Wash hands thoroughly before and after the test is completed.
Clean up spills thoroughly using an appropriate disinfectant.
Dispose of all specimens, reaction kits and potentially contaminated materials (i.e. Swab, Tube, Test Device) in bag provided.
Keep the test kit out of reach of children.
To prevent contamination, only touch the sides of the Test Device and ensure the Swab end only touches the nasal/ mouth cavity and inside of Tube.
The Swab, Buffer Bottle and Test Device are single use. Do not reuse.
All positive and negative specimens must be confirmed with PCR or contact with doctor. User should not take any decision of medical relevance without first consulting his or her medical practitioner
Do not dip the Swab into buffer or other liquid before inserting the Swab into the nose/ mouth.
The provided Buffer Bottle contains <0.1% sodium azide as a preservative which may be toxic if ingested. If you get buffer solution into your eyes rinse for at least 15 minutes under running water. If irritation persists, go to a doctor.
If you have stored the kit in the refrigerator, store the kit at room temperature (15 to 30°C) for 30 minutes before use.
Do not use the test kit if the pouch is damaged or the seal is broken.
Do not use expired devices
Swab specimen should be tested immediately after collection.
swab - attached liquid tube- nozzle cap - test device
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