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nivea sheet mask

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One of the first retail companies in the pharmacy sector in the Kingdom

What are the terms and conditions for purchasing and returning the items subject to the offers?
For free items offers, the customer gets the lowest-priced item for free. Wholesale sales are not permitted, and United Company has the right to determine the quantity allowed to be purchased for one purchasing transaction. The offers are valid as of the specified date or until stock runs out. If there is more than one offer on the same item, the customer benefits from only one offer. In the event of a return, the whole offer set must be returned.
Can I return a product without attaching the purchase invoice?
You must bring the purchase invoice to complete the refund or exchange process for your order
I received my order missing some products. What is the reason?
Sometimes some products are available in the online store, but the quantity has run out in the pharmacy. In this case, and in order not to delay your order, we only cancel the products that are not available, and one of our customer care representatives will contact you or send a text message explaining that the order is ready, but some Products are not available, in addition to an email with all the details If you check your email and confirm that no order has been canceled and that you have ordered all the products you would like to purchase but there are still some missing products, you can call our customer care number 8002444445 to assist you. Before contacting us please check your email to ensure that you have placed all your requests Your order list will show all the orders you have ordered, and payment will be made only for the orders that have been received
How can I modify or track my order?
Greetings... You can contact us on 8002444445 or contact us via email at [email protected] and we will work to deliver the order on time.
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